Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another clash of civilisations

Two stories in the Sun-Herald today make me want to chunder Down Under.

Story #1: There is a dance troupe from Australia touring America, called Thunder From Down Under. Male dancers, evidently. The show's spokesperson, Penny Levin, describes the show as "tasteful adult entertainment, tailored for various audiences". She says, "We're not a bunch of heathens" and "No one is being forced to buy a ticket or see the show".

Nevertheless, Christian religious leaders in North Dakota have forced a cancellation of their show and a breach of their contract to lease a local venue. The Mayor and two Councilors from Jamestown voted to unilaterally terminate the show's contract to appear at the Jamestown Civic Center after the Jamestown Ministerial Association petitioned the Promotions Committee to stop what they described as "a strip show". One of the nay-saying Councilors said, "I talked to advertisers [who] made it clear that this was going to cost us more than if we cancel the contract."

Story #2: "An American evangelist who preaches how to get rich and whose church has its own MasterCard will pack out Sydney SuperDome for three nights next month.". He is expected to "to rival Hillsong's annual evangelical mas meeting". "Mr Jakes, who is the chief executive and bishop of The Potter's House church in Dallas, was named by Time magazine this year as one of the 25 most influential evangelists in the US and has been called the next Billy Graham."

"Mr Jakes, who is being brought to Sydney by the Christian city Church at Oxford Falls, says Jesus must have been rich to support his disciples.... Christian City Church head Pastor Paul Pringle said Mr Jakes believed in giving the poor financial plans to lift themselves out of poverty, 'rather than a model of Christianity where you just be poor all your life and accept your lot'." Reserved seating is $50, entry is free. "He's made a point of encouraging poor people into his church and he's made a point of helping them, but they're pressured to tithe. His church has a lot of money and he lives in a million-dollar mansion."

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