Thursday, March 23, 2006

So vile it defies description

The characters in this story were all ordinary folks. Mainstream. "Clean" enough. Or so it appeared. The men involved, who have nothing to redeem themselves, looked, from the pictures of them first appearing in the paper, to be a bunch of happy-go-lucky blokes, who'd come to your aid if your car broke down. I've been reluctant to mention it because there has been just no good way to do so. Miranda Divine has managed to put a bit of dignity on the story where there has been precious little. This introduces her massage; you need to go to the source if you're really keen to know more.
IT WAS exactly four years ago today that 42-year-old Dianne Brimble boarded the Pacific Sky at Darling Harbour with her 12-year-old daughter Tahlia, sister and niece. She had saved the cost of the 10-day $2100 cruise working at a furniture store in Brisbane. Her only regret was she couldn't afford to take her two sons, then 18 and 15.

Sixteen hours later she was dead, lying naked and face down on the floor between two bunk beds in the squalid cabin of four men she had met in the ship's disco the first night it set sail from Sydney. She had been "killed by some person or persons, by someone slipping her a lethal dose of a date rape drug without her knowledge for the sole purpose of their own sexual gratification", Ron Hoenig, counsel assisting the coroner, has told the continuing inquest into her death.

More on the story here and here.
The picture of the men above was borrowed from the article where I first became aware of the story, Tragic picture


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