Monday, October 15, 2007

Wee willy wankers now crawl through the town

Wee Willy Winkie,
Runs through the town.
Upstairs and downstairs,
In his night gown.
Rapping at the window,
crying through the lock,
“Are the children in their beds?
Now it’s eight o’clock.”

Guambat's mother used to coo this little nursery rhyme ditty to him when it was bedtime. That was, of course, long, long ago.

Still, the soothing, sleep inducing symphony of his Mother's voice came back to him when he read what the good folk down in Sydneytown are doing to yank the wankers off the streets:

Pinkie ads slow down speedsters
"A controversial road safety campaign that implies young men who speed do so because they have small penises has become one of the state's most successful anti-speeding campaigns, Roads Minister Eric Roozendaal has said.

The Roads and Traffic Authority TV ad, dubbed "Little Pinkie", shows onlookers wiggling their pinkies upon seeing a speeding male driver.

The gesture is used in youth culture to indicate a small penis.

The TV ad was part of a broader campaign that included magazine and outdoor advertising featuring the slogan "Speeding: No one thinks big of you".

"Wiggling your pinkie has cut through to that crucial age group of young drivers - they're using it as a way to slow their mates down and stop them acting recklessly on our roads."

"This campaign is about saving lives - not pride. If it dents a few egos but helps save a life, then it's worth it," Mr Roozendaal said.

The RTA and the Advertising Standards Bureau had received 34 complaints about the campaign, an RTA spokeswoman said.

The complaints were that the ad was discriminatory...."
And therein lies another tail.


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