Classified: Fairfax for sale?
I tried to send a letter to the editor of the Sydney Morning Herald last week, as I am want to do. The SMH is owned by the Fairfax organisation, an independent MSM. Normally you get an immediate automatic response acknowledging your letter. I didn't get one. A few days later I got a response saying my email was rejected: "not able to establish an SMTP connection". I figured it was a fluke because I'd been sending letters for years. Well I tried again today, and again I failed to get the auto response. Looking into it I noticed my email address book had the letters editor's address as "". Checking the letters editor address online I find that it is now When did that happen? Does it foretell anything? Nah, probably not. (But if it eventuates, you read it here first :-))
By the bye, the letter I sent today is entitled: "Where's George Carlin when you need him?" and reads, "Ross Gittins reminds us 'economic theory says workers should move to where the economic returns -- and hence the wages -- are highest'. ( Of course, economic theory and our large multinational corporations also say that business should move to where wages are lowest. Is this rational economics?"
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